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Melinda Dooly is a Serra Húnter Full Professor, Chair in Technology-Enhanced Language & Intercultural Education in the Department of Language & Literature Education and Social Science Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Her principal research addresses technology-enhanced project-based language learning, intercultural communication and 21st century competences in teacher education. She has published widely in international journals and authored chapters and books in this area of study. She is the former (and founding) editor of Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature and co-editor of the book series Telecollaborative Learning and Virtual Education in Education (formerly Telecollaboration in Education), published by Peter Lang. She is lead researcher of GREIP: Grup de Recerca en Educació, Interacció i Plurilingüisme (Research Centre for Education, Interaction & Plurilingualism).
Orcid Researcher ID:
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