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  • Satar, M., Seedhouse, P., Kharrufa, A., Ganassin, S., Dooly, M., & Buitrago Peña, J., Oztekin, E., Akcan, S., Haznedar, B. (accepted). Migrants’ digital skills development: Engaging with and creating digital cultural activities on the ENACT webapp. ReCALL.

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756


  • Dooly, Melinda & Bakri, Ola. ( 2024). Code-switching in a legal English class for Egyptian learners: A Conversation Analysis case study. Arab World English Journal, 15(3), 297-320.

    • Impact Factor (ESCI): Q2; Lang & Ling 110/393(Read online)

  • Dooly, Melinda & López Vera, Mónica. (2024). La realidad virtual (RV) en el aula de la lengua inglesa: un estudio etnográfico. Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 36, 201 – 213. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (ESCI): Q4; Lang & Ling. 300/393

  • Holguín Vaca, D.P., Llompart Esbert, J., Dooly, M., & Vallejo Rubinstein, C. (2024).  Caminar cap a una educació plurilingüe i intercultural. El treball per reptes i la col·laboració. Volum Temàtic: Alfabetització en contextos plurilingües. Guix509, 1-5. 

  • Roman, C. & Dooly, M. (2024). Codocencia y estrategias plurilingües para un aprendizaje inclusivo. Volum Temàtic: Alfabetització en contextos plurilingües. Guix, 509, 1-5. 



  • Dooly, M., Thrasher, T., & Sadler, R. (2023). "'Whoa! Incredible!': Language learning experiences in Virtual Reality", RELC Journal, SI: Teaching with Technology in the Post-Pandemic Digital Age, 54(2), 1-19. DOI: 10.1177/00336882231167610.

  • Dooly, M. (2023). Language teaching, language learning and virtual exchange in an age of complexity. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 1-18. DOI: 10.4018/IJCALLT.316459. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q3; Ed & Ed Res 520/756


  • Dooly, M. & Darvin, R. (2022). Intercultural communicative competence in the digital age: critical digital literacy and inquiry-based pedagogy, Language and Intercultural Communication, 22(3), 354-366. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 56/297

  • Dooly, M. & Tudini, V. (2022). ‘We should google that’: The dynamics of knowledge-in-interaction in an online student meeting. Classroom Discourse, 13(2), 188-211. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q2; Ed & Ed Res. 300/756

  • Jakonen, T., Dooly, M. & Balaman, U. (2022). Interactional practices in technology-rich L2 environments in and beyond the physical borders of the classroom. Classroom Discourse, 13(2), 111-118. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q2; Ed & Ed Res. 300/756

  • O'Dowd, R., & Dooly, M. (2022). Exploring teachers’ professional development through participation in virtual exchange. ReCALL, 34(1), 21-36. doi:10.1017/S0958344021000215 (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756



  • Dooly, M., & Vinagre, M. (2021). Research into practice: Virtual exchange in language teaching and learning. Language Teaching, 1-15. doi:10.1017/S0261444821000069 (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 9/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 33/756

  • Dooly, M., Masats, D. & Mont, M. (2021). Launching a solidarity campaign: Technology-enhanced project-based language learning to promote entrepreneurial education and social awareness. Journal of Technology and Science Education, 11(2), 260-269. (Read online)

  • Knight, J., Dooly, M., & Barberà, E. (2021). But the computer say me the time is up: the shaping of oral turns mediatedwith and through the screen. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(9), 2079-2111. DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2020.1868529 (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 1/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 9/756

  • Tudini, E. & Dooly, M. (2021). Complaining for rapport building: troubles talk in a preservice language teacher online video exchange. Linguistics & Education, 64, 100941. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 73/297; Q2; Ed & Ed Res 277/756



  • Dooly, M., & Smith, B. (2020) Telecollaboration and virtual exchange between practice and research: a conversation. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 3(SI): 63-81. (Read online)

  • Dooly, M., & Sadler, R. (2020). “If you don’t improve, what’s the point?” Investigating the impact of a “flipped” online exchange in teacher education. ReCALL, 32(1), 4-24. doi:10.1017/S0958344019000107 (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756

  • Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2020). Bringing plurilingualism into teaching practice: a quixotic quest? Special Issue: The evolution of language teaching: Towards plurilingualism and translanguaging [online]. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(1), 81-97. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 28/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 133/756

  • Knight, J., Dooly, M., & Barberà, E. (2020). Navigating a multimodal ensemble: Learners mediating verbal and non-verbal turns in online interaction tasks. ReCALL, 32(1), 25-46. doi:10.1017/S0958344019000132 (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756

  • Knight, J., Dooly, M. & Barberà, E. (2020). Getting smart: towards critical digital literacy pedagogies, Social Semiotics, 33(2), 326-349. DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2020.1836815 (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 73/297; Q2; Comm 84/227

  • Knight, J., Dooly, M. & Barberà, E. (2020). But the computer say me the time is up: the shaping of oral turns mediated with and through the screen. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(9), 2017-2111. (Download authors' copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 1/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 9/756

  • Vallejo, C., & Dooly, M. (2020). Plurilingualism and translanguaging: emergent approaches and shared concerns. Introduction to the special issue. Special Issue: The evolution of language teaching: Towards plurilingualism and translanguaging. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(1), 1-16. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 28/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 133/756



  • Dooly, M. (2017). Performing identities in social media: A proposal for studying identity construction in language learning online. ALSIC, 20. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (ESCI): Q4; Ed & Ed Res. 634/756

  • Helm, F. & Dooly, M. (2017). Challenges in transcribing multimodal data: A case study, Language Learning & Technology, Special Issue on Methodological Innovation in CALL Research, 21(1), 166-185. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 15/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 53/756

  • Dooly, M., Barba Calatrava, J., Borràs González, A., Creus Pedrol, M., & González Andreu, C. (2017).  “I don’t know”: Results of a small-scale survey on teachers’ perspectives of the European Language Portfolio. Porta Linguarum, 27, 63-77. (Download authors' copy)

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