Dooly, M. (2009). New competencies in a new era? Examining the impact of a teacher training project. ReCALL 21(3), 352-369. (Download author's copy)
Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756
Dooly, M. & Unamuno, V. (2009). Multiple languages in one society: categorisations of language and social cohesion in policy and practice. Journal of Education Policy 24(3), 217-236. (Download authors' copy)
Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ed & Res 99/756
Dooly, M. & Masats, D. (2008). Russian dolls: Using projects to learn about projects. GRETA Journal, 16,1-2 (2008) 27-35. (Download article)
Dooly, M. (2008). Understanding the many steps for effective collaborative language learning. Language Learning Journal, 36(1): 95-78. (Download author's copy)
Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ed & Ed Res 169/297
Dooly, M. (2008). (Review) Carmen Muñoz (ed.) 2006: Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning. Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters. Atlantis, 30(1):3-8. (Download author's copy)
Dooly, M. (2007). Joining forces: Promoting metalinguistic awareness through computer supported collaborative learning. Language Awareness, 16 (1):57-74. (Request text)
Impact Factor (AHCI): Q1; Lang & Ling. 47/393
Dooly, M. (2007). Constructing differences: A qualitative analysis of teachers’ perspectives on linguistic and cultural diversity. Linguistics and Education, 18, 142-166. (Download author's copy)
Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 573297; Q2; Ed & Ed Res 277/756
Dooly, M. (2007). Integrating intercultural competence and citizenship education into teacher training: A pilot project. Intercultural Communication Studies, XVI (3), 22-35. (Download author's copy)
Dooly, M. & Quintana, L. (2006) Aprenentatge en grup amb suport informàtic per a l’escriptura de llengües estrangeres. Un estudi de cas en un projecte europeu. Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura, 39, 86-99. (Request text)
Dooly, M. (2006). Integrating intercultural competence and citizenship education into teacher training: A pilot project. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 2(1):18-30. (Request text)
Dooly, M. & Villanueva, M (2006). Internationalisation as a key dimension to teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 29 (2): 223-240. (Request text)
Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ed & Ed Res 83/756
Dooly, M. (2006) Paving the way for the future through international teacher training. IATEFL-Voices, May-June: 3-4.
Dooly, M. (2005). Working with an educational portal: a first-timer’s experience. TESOL-Spain Newsletter, 29: 18-19.
Dooly, M. (2005). How aware are they? Research into teachers’ attitudes about linguistic diversity. Language Awareness, 14 (2/3), 97-111. (Request text)
Impact Factor (AHCI): Q1; Lang & Ling. 47/393
Dooly, M. (2005). The Internet and language teaching: A sure way to interculturality? ESL Magazine, 44, 8-12.
Dooly, M (1998). Búsqueda global de la voz: Comparativa en los escritos de Farah, Aidoo y Morrison. Studia Africana, 9, 61-72.
Dooly, M. (2004) Language Education: Are we giving equal opportunities to all?. In R. Batllori i Obiols, A.E. Gómez Martinez, M. Oller i Freixa & J. Pagès i Blanch (eds.) De la teoria ... a l’aula. pp.478-485. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions UAB.
Dooly, M. (2004) Educating for Europe: Are we guilty of creating 2nd class citizens? In A. Ross (ed.) The experience of citizenship, pp. 251-258. CiCe (UK):London Metropolitan University.
Dooly, M. (1996) Constructing identity through television texts. In R. Gonzalez (ed.) Culture & power: Institutions, pp. 141-152. Barcelona. PPU S.A