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  • Dooly, M., & Tudini, V. (2016). 'Now we are teachers': The role of small talk in student language teachers' telecollaborative task development. Journal of Pragmatics, 102, 38-53. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 56/297

  • Dooly, M., & Sadler, R. (2016). Becoming little scientists: Technologically-enhanced project-based language learning. Technology & Language Learning, 20(1), 54-78. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 15/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 53/756

  • Lewis, T., O'Rourke, B., & Dooly, M. (Eds.) (2016). Innovation in language learning and teaching – Online Intercultural Exchange. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching,  Special Issue, 10(1), 1-5. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 19/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 74/756

  • Sadler, R., & Dooly, M. (2016). Twelve years of telecollaboration. What we have learnt. ELT Journal, 70(4), 401-413. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 19/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 774/756


  • Dooly, M. (2015). It takes research to build a community: Ongoing challenges for scholars in digitally-supported communicative language teaching. Calico Journal, 32(1): 172-194.  (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (ESCI): Q1; Ed & Ed Res. 156/756

  • Dooly, M., & Masats, D. (2015). A critical appraisal of foreign language research in content and language integrated learning, young language learners, and technology-enhanced language learning published in Spain (2003–2012). Language Teaching, 48(3): 1-30. (Download authors' copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 9/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 33/756

  • Dooly, M. & Sadler, R. (2015). The design process of a technology-enhanced teacher education flipped classroom: a case study. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, M. Oberhofer, & M. Gutiérez-Colón Plana (eds.) 17th International CALL Conference Proceedings: Task design and CALL (pp. 226-233). Antwerp: Nieuwe Media Dienst, University of Antwerp. (Request text)



  • Dooly, M., Mont, M. & Masats, D. (2014). Becoming little scientists: A case study of technologically-enhanced project-based language learning. APAC Journal, 78, 34-40.


  • Dooly, M. (2013). Book Review: Elizabeth Coelho: Language and learning in multilingual classrooms. A practical approach, 2012, Multilingual Matters. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 1(2): 308-310. (Download author's copy)

  • Dooly, M., & Sadler, R. (2013). Filling in the gaps: Linking theory and practice through telecollaboration in teacher education. ReCALL, 25(1), 4-29. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 5/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 22/756

  • Vallejo, C., & Dooly, M. (2013). Early school leavers and social disadvantage in Spain: From books to bricks and viceversa. European Journal of Education, 48(3): 390-404. (Request text)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ed & Ed Res 99/756



  • Dooly, M. (2011). Crossing the intercultural borders into 3rd space culture(s): implications for teacher education in the twenty-first century. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11 (4): 319-337. (Download author's copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 56/297

  • Dooly, M. (2011) Divergent perceptions of telecollaborative language learning tasks: Tasks-as-workplan vs. task-as-process. Language Learning & Technology, 15(2): 69–91. (Read online)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 15/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 53/756

  • Dooly, M. & Masats, D. (2011) Closing the loop between theory and praxis: New models in EFL teaching. ELT Journal, 65(1): 42-51. (Download authors' copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ling. 19/297; Q1; Ed & Ed Res 774/756

  • Masats, D., & Dooly, M. (2011). Rethinking the use of video in teacher education: A holistic approach, Teaching and Teacher Education, 27 (7): 1151-1162. (Download authors' copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q1; Ed & Ed Res 33/756

  • Masats, D. & Dooly, M. (2011) Una mirada, desde una perspectiva interactivista, hacia el proceso de construcción de tareas comunicativas. Hechos y Proyecciones del Lenguaje, 20, 100-126. ISSN: 0121-3350. (Download authors' copy)


  • Moore, E. & Dooly, M.  (2010) How do the apples reproduce? How teacher trainees negotiate language, content and membership in a CLIL science education classroom in a multilingual university. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 9(1), 58-79. (Download authors' copy)

    • Impact Factor (JCR): Q2; Ling. 81/297; Q2; Ed & Ed Res 300/756

  • Dooly, M. (2010). Obrim l'aula per internacionalitzar l'escola. Perspectiva escolar, 347, 61-66.

  • Ross, A. & Dooly, M. (2010)  Young people's intentions about their political activity. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 6(1), 43-60. (Download authors' copy)

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