Peer reviewed conference presentations (before 2011)
Crossing the border into third space culture(s): Implications for intercultural communicative competence. Travelling Languages: Culture, Communication and Translation in a Mobile World. IALIC Conference 2010, University of Leeds, UK, 3-5 December 2010.
Preparing teachers for implementing telecollaboration in classrooms: Approaches and case studies (symposium). Eurocall Conference, Bordeaux, France, 8-11 September 2010.
Joint reflection on teaching practice through Telecollaboration: Perspectives for teacher training and professional development (with Randall Sadler). CALICO: Enhancing language learning: Research, innovation and evaluation in CALL, Amherst College (MA, USA), 8-12 June 2010.
The concerns of youg people in Spain: Educators' perspectives (with Claudia Vallejo & Montserrat Oller). The 12th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 May 2010.
From imagining to belonging: Research into teachers-in-training and Communities of Practice (with Victoria Antoniadou). Teacher education in CMC and Call, Eurocall SIG Teacher Training y Institut National du Recherche Pédagogique, Lyon, France, 26-28 April 2010.
Applying CA for SLA in CMC. Data treatment and ethical considerations. EUROCALL SIG: Researching Computer Mediated Communication in Foreign Language Education: Issues and Methods, Universidad de León, Spain, 23-25 April 2009.
Designing, building and testing our bridges: Moving into CLIL 2.0 (with Mercè Barrull). III Trobada sobre Semi-Immersió a Catalunya - I Taula Rodona Internacional sobre Programes AICLE, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 28-29 April 2009.
It's the thing to do: Spanish students' intra- and international Ultimatum Game exchange (symposium, with Claudia Vallejo). The 11th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), Malmö University, Sweden, 21-25 May 2009.
EPASI Project findings: an overall perspective of educational disadvantages affecting linguistic minorities and "good practices" to ameliorate these inequalities (with Claudia Vallejo). ICML XII: 12th International Conference on Minority Languages, University of Tartu, Estonia, 28-30 May 2009.
Today's Youth: Tomorrow's Citizens of a Multilingual, Multicultural World (with Claudia Vallejo). Second International Conference on Multilingualism. Making Multilingualism Meaningful: Linking Theory to Practice, London Metropolitan University & Centre for Multilingual Education, UK, 19-20 June 2009.
Towards an understanding of minority language issues in European educational agendas: findings from EPASI project (with Claudia Vallejo). Second International Conference on Multilingualism. Making Multilingualism Meaningful: Linking Theory to Practice, London Metropolitan University & Centre for Multilingual Education, UK, 19-20 June 2009.
Achieving 'Unity in Diversity': Combining Efforts for Better Teacher Training (with Dolors Masats). 16th International Conference on Learning, University of Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 July 2009.
Exploring the Potential of Language Learning Through Video Making (with Dolors Masats). International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN 09, University of Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July 2009.
Situating research in virtual interaction: A proposal for computer-mediated discourse analysis. 42nd Annual Meeting for the British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Newcastle University, UK, 3-5 September 2009.
The Integration of Telecollaborative Exchange into Foreign Language teacher training Programmes. EUROCALL 2009 New Trends in CALL: Working Together, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, 9-12 September 2009.
How to develop intercultural competence (sensitivity) in a joint curriculum? (Invited Speaker). Conference on Joint Programs on Teacher Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-25 September 2009.
Applying mixed media to teacher training: The Ovide experience (with Dolors Masats). International Technology Education and Development Conference, University of Valencia, Spain, 3-5 March 2008.
Meeting the challenge of future needs for today's teachers: Training for Telecollaboration. International Technology Education and Conference, University of Valencia, Spain, 3-5 March 2008.
How they see it: Spanish children and youth's perspectives about the future (symposium). The 10th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), University of Istambul, Turkey, 29-31 May 2008.
Linguistic Minorities in Education: Practices and Policies (symposium, with Claudia Vallejo). The 10th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), University of Istambul, Turkey, 29-31 May 2008.
New competencies in a new era? Examining the impact of a teacher training project. EUROCALL 2008: New competencies and social spaces, University of Székesfehérvár, Hungary, 3-5 September 2008.
El plurilingüisme a l'educación superior: pràctiques monolingües en diferents llengües o diverses llengües en la mateixa pràctica? (with Emilee Moore & Luci Nussbaum). I Congrés Internacional d'Interacció Comunicativa i Ensenyament de Llengües, Universitat de València, Spain, 18-20 September 2008.
Shopping across the (EU) market: Teacher trainees look for experience Abroad. IALIC 08 Annual Conference of the International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 31 October-2 November 2008.
Facing the challenge of global networking in local classrooms: an integrated approach towards ICT & ICC. Septieme Colloque des Usages des Nouvelles Tecnologies dans l'Enseignement des Langues Estrangères (UNTELE), Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France, 29-31 March 2007.
Citizens of the future: the concerns and actions of young people around current European and global issues. Preliminary results from Catalan teacher trainees. The 9th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), University of Montpellier, France, 24-26 May 2007.
On-line and Blended Approaches to Foreign Language Education: Exploring the Role of the Teacher (Symposium). EUROCALL 2007: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Ireland, 5-8 September 2007.
La acogida lingüística: ¿Una propuesta pedagógica o un reto sociolingüístico? (with Virginia Unamuno). II Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 8 September 2007.
Talk-in-interaction in an inicial teacher training CLIL class (with Emilee Moore). Bi- and multilingual universities: European perspectives and beyond, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy, 20-22 September 2007.
Reaching out to the Disaffected: A Summer Programme for At-risk Students. International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Florida Atlantic University, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 3-6 January 2006.
Un acercamiento múltiple a la categoría "extranjero" en las propuestas de acogida lingüística para inmigrantes: estudio preliminar (with Eva Codó, Luci Nussbaum & Virginia Unamuno). VII Congrés de Lingüística General, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 18-21 April 2006.
How do language teachers understand multilingual competencies? Findings from qualitative research into teachers? perspectives on linguistic diversity. Jornades: La competència multilingüe, Xarxa Temática XELFEMM, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 11-12 May 2006.
Starting from home: Analysis of an Education faculty's process of internationalisation (with Maria Villanueva). The 8th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), University of Riga, Latvia, 26-27 May 2006.
Projecte de Practicum III-IV a Richmond (UK) (with Beatriz Caballero de Rodas, Maria Jose Lobo & Dolors Masats). Jornada d'Innovació del Practicum a la Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació 2006, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 8 June 2006.
MICALL: un projecte pont entre la universitat i l'escola per a la internacionalització de l'educació a primària (with Dolors Masats, Beatriz Caballero de Rodas, Milós García, Núria Mora & Anna Rodríguez). Jornada d'Innovació del Practicum a la Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació 2006, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 8 June 2006.
Teachers' Awareness: Research into Teachers' Categorizations of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity. 12th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication, International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Trinity University, San Antonio (Texas), USA, 2-4 August 2006.
Making Future Educators More Globally-Minded: A Transnational Teacher Training Project. 12th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication, International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies, Trinity University, San Antonio (Texas), USA, 2-4 August 2006.
Online partners and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Convergences and Conflicts. International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication, Passau, Germany, 1-3 December 2006.
Rethinking ICT in Education: Fancy footwork or complete integration? ICSEI International Conference for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 January 2005.
Computers as toolkits: language e-learning through international collaboration (with Randall Sadler). Eighth Brno Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Masarykovy university v Brne, Brno, Czech Republic, 3-5 February 2005. Collaborative: Learning about international English through the Web. TESOL-Spain Annual Conference. Seville, Spain, 11-13 March 2005.
Multiple views on multiple languages: a case study of language teachers? perspectives on multilingualism. Fifth International Symposium on Bilingualism, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 11- 13 March 2005.
Diversity: A qualititative analysis of foreign language teachers? category Assembly. Semininari de Metodologia de la Recerca en Didàctica de la Llengua i La Literatura. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 10 March 2005.
Intercultural communication skills and students' attitudes: Transnational projects as an instrument in citizenship education. The 7th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), University of Lublijana, Slovenia, 28-31 May 2005.
Approaching language and culture through collaborative ICT tools. Language World Conference & Exhibition, Association for Language Learning. University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, 1-3 July 2005.
Collaborative Portfolios and Projects: Working with an Educational Portal (workshop). TESOL-Spain Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, 26-28 March 2004.
Educating for Europe: Are we guilty of creating second-class citizens? The 6th Annual CiCe International Conference (Children's Identity and Citizenship Education Network), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 20-22 May 2004.
How aware are they? Research into preservice teachers attitudes about linguistic diversity. 7th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness, Universitat de Lleida, Spain, 19-21 July 2004.
Hands-on Workshop for Portal Users. ICT in Education & Professional Development of Teachers. Examples of Good Practice, Leiden, Holland, 17-18 September 2004.
Language Education: Are we giving equal opportunities to all? III Simpòsium sobre l'ensenyament de les ciències socials, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 30 September – 2 October 2004.
Moodle & Virtual Opportunities. Se Zú Castnil/A Seminare Virtualní Vzdelavací Porestredí Moodle, Matemático-fyzikánlní fakule Universzity Karlovy, Brno, Czech Republic, 21 October 2004.