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Invited Talks



  • Empowering Tomorrow: Nurturing an Inclusive, Digitally Literate Educational Landscape (Plenary). The Converging Challenges for Inclusive Education. Intercultural Competences and Digital Literacy in Global Education. 31st International Learn Conference. Utrecht University, Netherlands. 10-12 July 2024.

  • Sinergies de recerca V: Llengües, noves tecnologies i educació amb el GR@EL (UPF) i el GREIP (UAB). Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística, Barcelona. 2 May 2024.

  • Researching teaching & teacher research (Invited Speaker). PhD programme: Language and Literature Didactics (SLDI), Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University, Sweden. 18 April 2024.



  • Internationalizing from home: Action-oriented Virtual Exchange for plurilingual and pluricultural competences (Keynote Speaker). 6th International H-INET Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel. 27 February 2023.



  • Language and Culture presents: Rising to the Challenge of a changing higher education landscape (Featured Speaker). With Joanne Pagèze, Mirjam hauck, Melinda Dooly and the LaC Expert Community. European Association of International Education. Barcelona. 13-16 September 2022.

  • Revamping the lessons with catchy and useful tasks: Project-based learning versus Task-based learning. Keynote: Digitask Multiplier Event. Barcelona, 7-9 September 2022.

  • What now? Transforming techno-pedagogical skills to transglobal communicative competences. Keynote: Digital Literacy Project Seminars, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK) and the Ministry of Science and Tecnology (MOST, Taiwan) UK-Taiwan Networking. 4 March 2022.

  • Integrating plurilingual learning spaces into 'target language' teaching. Keynote: Online workshop: Learning Spaces. School Education Gateway and eTwinning, Brussels. 2-4 March 2022.

  • Round table: Assessment in virtual exchange (panel member). Developing skills and assessing students’ work in an online environment:  the added value of international projects. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences. 24 January 2022.

  • Workshop: The HOW of peer assessment in Virtual Exchange projects (with Anna Czura). Developing skills and assessing students’ work in an online environment:  the added value of international projects. Budapest Business School, University of Applied Sciences. 24 January 2022.



  • Transglobal communicative competence as a key aspect of digital, democratic citizenry. Embedding a democratic culture dimension in teacher education programmes final conference (Keynote). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 21-22 October 2021.

  • Experiencias de investigación en didácticas específicas y en la comunicación de la investigación. Invited speaker: Seminario Internacional en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, la Literatura, i les Ciències Social, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 21-22 June 2021.

  • 20 anys de intercanvis virtuals des de la perspectiva de la pandèmia: Lliçons apreses i nous reptes Invited speaker: Un any de docència on-line: reptes i oportunitats'. Lecture Series organized by the Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 17 May 2021.



  • Continued teacher education: 'Una propuesta pedagógica para la era digital: enseñar lenguas a través de la tecnología'. Invited speaker: 9a edició del Curs de formació per a professorat de xinès a Catalunya [9th Professional Development Event for Teachers of Chinese in Catalonia]. Fundació Institut Confuci de Barcelona. 15 November 2020.



  • Preliminary Results of EVALUATE Virtual Exchanges: Impact on Teacher Trainers. Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españoles (CRUE). Jornada sobre Internacionalización y Cooperación. Universidad de León. 29 November 2018.

  • If you can think it, you can do it: Motivating creative minds through CLIL & technology. Developing Creativity In Content & Language Integrated Learning (Keynote). Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona), 22-23 June 2018.

  • Digital and communicative competences in teacher education. L3S Research Center (Hannover University). 29 October 2018.



  • Preparing teachers for now and the future: What can we do? Centre of Excellence in Teaching, Lee University (Tennessee, USA). 23 August 2018.

  • The challenges of educating global citizens for now and the future (Keynote). Intercultural Communicative Competence International Conference. Charles University, Prague. 20-23 June 2017.

  • The ever-changing profession of teaching English in an ever-changing world. Plenary talk. APAC Convention 2017: Teaching English What Else? The Ins and Outs of an Ever-Changing Profession. Associació de Professors i Professores d'Anglès a Catalunya i Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 16-18 February 2017.



  • Meet the editors (symposium with Malcolm MacDonald, John O'Regan, Maria Dasli, Claudia Borghetti, Ana Beaven, Prue Holmes, & Claudia Vallejo). IALIC 2016: Bridging across languages & cultures in everyday lives: New roles in changing scenarios. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 25-27 November 2016.

  • Critical perspectives on teacher education: A pedagogical proposal for the digital age (Invited speaker; with Randall Sadler). The future of learning: Critical perspectives on higher education in the digital age. University of Central Lancashire, England, 22 June 2016.

  • Intercultural and (tele)collaborative learning: Our tasks as teachers (Opening Plenary). New Trends in Foreign Language Teaching. University of Granada and PETALL EU project, 28-29 April 2016.





  • Enseñanza de Idiomas y Redes Sociales. Keynote Speaker. Ciclo Nuevas Tecnologías y Nueva Sociedad: Utilidades de las Nuevas Tecnologías para la Educación: Idiomas, Videojuegos y Realidad Aumentada. Miraflores Colegio Mayor y Telefónica. Zaragoza (Spain). 3 December 2013.

  • Online Exchanges for Language Learning : Present Trends and Future Tendancies (Plenary). Keynote Speaker. EPAL (Echange pour Apprendre en Ligne), Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3, Grenoble (France), 6-9 June 2013.

  • A critical approach to integrating technology in language education (Plenary). Keynote Speaker. PL-CALL Conference, University of Social Sciences in Warsaw, School of English, (Poland) 9-10 May, 2013.



  • Applying sociolinguistic interactional analysis to CMC for rich insight on learners' interaction (Invited Speaker/workshop). Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora" Symposium, University of Tübingen, Germany, 17-19 February 2011. 

  • Teachers & Web 2.0: Teacher Education in the 21st century (Invited Speaker). Teacher training in the age of Web 2.0: The current situation & future perspectives. Webinar, Institut Français de l'Éducation, Lyon, France, 30 November 2011. 






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